How to Meditate: Body Scan

The Body Scan is a guided meditation that is simple to do but brings excellent results. It can be done sitting or lying down and is a good way to check in with your body to see if there are any changes you need to make to improve your health. Using the information gleaned from the body scan you’ll be able to make timely changes to your diet, exercise regime or lifestyle that will have long term benefits. It’s also an excellent way to get back in touch with your body as it keeps you grounded and stops you from getting lost in your head. 

  • Keeps you grounded in your body 
  • Promotes self-care 
  • Aids relaxation 

It’s a good idea to incorporate a body scan into your daily meditation practice, or perhaps do it at least once a week – whatever seems right to you. It can also be used as part of your vipassana meditation practice. 

Body Scan Meditation 

Either lie on a mat or a bed, or sit in a hard-backed chair. If lying down, allow your arms to lie naturally by your sides, palms up. Breathe naturally and deepen your breath into the abdomen. Relax. 

Feel the way your body is supported by the floor, bed or chair. Allow your awareness to fully inhabit your body. When you’re ready, begin at your toes and work your way up the body. 

Bring your awareness to each part of the body in turn, and see what you find. Don’t try to change what is there, just notice it and move onto the next area. Take your time and remember to breathe. 

If you come across something that needs further attention, make a mental note to yourself, and continue the body scan. 

End with the crown of your head, and relax for a few minutes. Slowly sit up, or bring your awareness back to the room, and write down any problems you’ve discovered. 

If you do this regularly you’ll be able to stay in tune with yourself more easily, and you’ll begin to notice any problems before they become real problems. 

Explore more practices here: How to Meditate 

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