Blade Runner – Part 2: Awakening to Humanity and Freedom

In part 1 we looked at how Blade Runner deals with the thorny issues of memory and identity. The film is deliberately ambiguous in how it presents the characters, both human and replicant, and that provides plenty of fuel for speculation. In this post, we’ll explore the humanity of the replicants and attempt to answer the ultimate question: Is Deckard a replicant? I shouldn’t need to warn you, but **!!Expect SPOILERS!!**  

Blade Runner – Part 1: Memory and Identity

Blade Runner is a great example of the Aquarius archetype on film. Based on the Philip K Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the story explores the nature of humanity and the way memories create identity. It flopped when it was first released in 1982, largely due to the unnecessary (and truly awful) voiceover and bizarre happy ending. But after being remastered and reissued, it’s become a classic that continues to provoke arguments over its central question. 

Logan: Violence and the Sharp End of Salvation

Logan is a surprisingly good example of the Capricorn archetype on film. The story follows Logan as he confronts the consequences of his past and learns to take responsibility for what he has become and protect the next generation of mutants. This may be the last time we see the old Wolverine in action and it’s a fitting and enjoyable send-off. 

Pi and the madness in the spirals of reality

Pi is a perfect example of Sagittarius on film. It explores the nature of reality and God through the language of mathematics and spirals. The story follows Max as he searches for patterns in the numbers underpinning reality and slowly losing his mind. It raises interesting questions about the dangers associated with the pursuit of truth and the line between genius and madness.