Following my epic
article on the Dark Night of the Soul, I wanted to go into a little more detail
on the symptoms of the Dark Night and strategies for surviving it. I was going
to include this information at the end of the previous article but it was
already too long.
Love’s Ordeal: The Dark Night of the Soul
A Dark Night of the Soul always arrives uninvited, yet it could be the best thing
to ever happen. It’s a sacred initiation into the underbelly of the soul that
will make you feel cursed and blessed at the same time. Dark Nights of the
Soul are all the rage these days. Our civilisation is self-destructing and we
seem powerless to stop it. Some say we have brought ourselves to this dangerous
precipice through our collective blindness, arrogance and selfishness, and that
may be true. But we may also be on the brink of a breakthrough.
Dark Angel: Hecate and the Dark Night
Twilight falls, the
moon rises, and hidden in the darkness, a dog howls. You have crossed the
threshold to the underworld, the realm of Hecate. It takes a while for your
eyes to adjust to the gloom and you find yourself in a fearful place. The dead,
the lost and forgotten, the compulsive, secret fantasies, and transgressive
irrational desires. How could you have ended up here?
Hecate reveals your
shadow. She shows you who you really are, when you’re not pretending to be
civilised and rational and normal. She is at home here in the darkness, and
wants you to feel the same way. Hecate watches over the darkest nights of your
soul and teaches you to see through your fears. With her help, you can deepen,
grow in wisdom and become less rational and naïve. You can become whole.
The Hidden Dangers of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is everywhere these days. With the number of
books and apps and courses available you would think we had become a nation of
bodhisattvas overnight. The positive effects of mindfulness are widely known
and aggressively advertised, but the practice doesn’t work the same way for
everyone, and it can actually make you feel worse. However, you wouldn’t know
this looking at the literature and studies that have been done. If you start to
meditate thinking that only good things will happen, you might be in for a
The Dark Face of the Mindfulness Craze
“Mindfulness is the skill of thinking you are doing something when you are doing nothing. One of the good things about mindfulness is that you get to do a lot of sitting down. Sitting down is good for the mind because so much positive energy is stored in the lap.” – The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness
I recently attended a Writing for Wellbeing workshop which
was designed to promote “mindfulness and calm.” We did various writing
exercises and a little guided visualisation, and were told: “Whatever you write is right for you – when
done mindfully.” Well, maybe I was having a bad day, but I didn’t feel calm
or mindful.
Shadow Companions: Types of Demons
Earlier this week we looked at the process of feeding your
demons, which is a way to make friends with your shadow. In this post we’ll dig
deeper into the various types of demon you might find skulking in the darkness
of your worst fears. But first, what is a demon?
Embracing Darkness: how to feed your demons
Recently I realised that I’d spent my whole life fighting
against the darkness. But my demons won’t die, no matter how many times I bash
them over the head. It’s exhausting. So I was open to trying anything that
might help when I came across the practice of Feeding Your Demons in the book of that name by Tsultrim Allione.
The Twin Fears that Shape our Identity
As a kid I spent a lot of time thinking there was
something wrong with me. I was totally convinced that my lowly opinion of
myself was true, and there were plenty of so-called facts I could use to back
up my claim. I wasn’t a happy bunny. It was only when I discovered psychology
and Buddhism that I began to deconstruct the ideas that were making me
Sympathy for the Devil: the Nature of Evil
“What does not kill me makes me stronger.” – Nietzsche
Where there is light, there will be darkness, but hidden
within the dark are the seeds of creation and the key to finding the light. In
the last two posts we met the predator and discovered how he works in the story
of Bluebeard. It’s time to get our hands dirty and jump into the viper’s nest
to explore the origins of our arch-nemesis.
Surviving Bluebeard: How to Deal with the Predator
“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.” – Rumi
We’re on a quest to
discover more about the murky depths of the mind and our worst enemy. In Going
Dark we met the predator. Now we’ll dig a little deeper using the story of
Bluebeard to learn how he operates and what we can do to overcome him.
Going Dark: Stalking the Predator
“One does not become conscious by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – CG Jung
There’s a demonic
creature that stalks us through our nightmares. He targets the innocent and the
hopeful. He squats in the dark, hidden until he attacks. He wants to destroy
us, to stop us from growing or knowing the truth. He wants to take our light
for himself.
Evolution of Consciousness 9: The Growing Edge
We’ve already explored
how consciousness evolves from birth into a fully mature ego, plus some of the
problems encountered on the way. To finish, we’ll look at where we can go next.
Assuming all has gone well and we don’t have too many hang-ups or kinks in our
development, it should be possible to evolve to higher stages of consciousness
and move beyond ego into awakening.
Evolution of Consciousness 8: True Nature
“We are afraid to approach the fathomless and bottomless groundlessness of everything. ‘There’s nothing to be afraid of’. The ultimate reassurance, and the ultimate terror.” – R.D. Laing, The Politics of Experience
Absolute Subjectivity,
Pure Awareness, Suchness, No-mind, Oneness, Non-duality Consciousness, Brahman,
Original Mind, Luminous Emptiness, God.
These are some of the
words used to name the unspeakable at the heart of life. It’s impossible to
make any positive statements concerning the nature of non-dual Awareness. It is
variously described as Undifferentiated, Unborn, Unchanging, Unknowable or
Unknown, Limitless, and Eternal. It is Universal, Collective, Transpersonal or
Impersonal, Empty, Void, Non-being, and No-thingness.
Evolution of Consciousness 7: Witness Self
The stage after Ego is
a radical shift in the evolution of consciousness. From this moment on, you’ll
never be the same again. Once you’ve tasted the open space and peace of the
Witness, the ego feels even more claustrophobic.
Evolution of Consciousness 5: Spiritual Crisis
Life has an uncanny ability to undermine your sense of
self-importance and competence. No matter how hard you try, you’re never going
to make sense of it. You’ll never fully know yourself and life will always surprise
you. This is good, but we don’t always see it that way.
Evolution of Consciousness 4: Embracing the Shadow
In the last post we
discovered how the ego creates the shadow by rejecting anything we find
unacceptable. Now we’ll look at what we can do to heal the wounds that cause us
problems along the path to wholeness and awakening.
Evolution of Consciousness 3: The Dark Side of the Ego
“I only know as much about myself as my mind can work out under its current conditions. And its current conditions are not good.” – Zaphod Beeblebrox, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
We don’t know who we
are or what we want.
This sounds like a
drastic overstatement, but most of the time it’s true. Many of our needs and
instincts are unconscious. We only know what we’re conscious of or what we
allow ourselves to know. Because our true needs are hidden they’re never fully
satisfied, so we often feel something is missing. We’re split in two and don’t
know how this sorry state of affairs happened or what to do about it.
Evolution of Consciousness 2: Kinks in the Mind
Last time we looked at
how consciousness evolves through various stages of development. In this post
we’ll look at what happens when this process goes wrong.
Back to the house
building metaphor: as the foundations for your character are being laid
problems can arise which lead to difficulties later in life. If the support
structures in your house aren’t stable, the walls will crumble around you and
if you’re really unlucky, the roof will cave in.
Evolution of Consciousness 1: How to Grow a Person
Growing a person is a
mysterious process. Most of it happens in the dark, but we have discovered
certain patterns that unfold in all people in more or less the same way.
Imagine you’re building
a house. This is less complicated than growing a person, but it’s a useful
metaphor. We’ll leave aside the problem of the architect for now and just say
the blueprint is ready for construction.
The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
“The first time an Ashaninca man told me that he had learned the
medicinal properties of plants by drinking a hallucinogenic brew, I thought he
was joking. …But he was not smiling.”
The Cosmic Serpent is a fascinating exploration of the links
between DNA and molecular biology by anthropologist Jeremy Narby. While doing
fieldwork in the Amazon Pichis Valley, the Quirishari told him that their
incredible knowledge of plants and biochemistry was given to them by the plants
while under the influence of ayahuasca. Narby was sceptical at first, but then
became increasingly drawn into a quest to understand how this was possible. The
book recounts this quest as a compelling investigation that pushes him to the limits
of rationality and forces him to question his scientific training.
Learning to Fly: How We Can Change the World
In this final part of the series I want to look at how we can put
all these ideas into practise. There’s no point reading a book like Active Hope and then not doing anything
– the clue is in the title, after all!
Humanity is undergoing a radical shift in consciousness that will
enable us to transform our way of life. We are poised on the edge of a new
world. Industrial civilisation has grown as far as it can and in the process has
brought us to the brink of destruction. We need to change our whole approach –
not just what we do but also the way we think, what we value and how we see
Imagining the Future
How much time have you wasted staring out of the window
today? If you want to be productive, then the answer should be – a lot!
Freud dismissed daydreams as infantile wish-fulfilment, but
now we know they actually make us more creative and productive. Daydreaming
allows the unconscious to come up with solutions to problems, often while we’re
busy doing something boring, like the washing up or our day jobs. One study has shown that our minds wander 47% of the time while we’re awake. (It’s probably
higher in my case, especially when I’m meditating 😉)
Slow Down: How to Travel in Time
It’s nearly Christmas! (It was when this was first posted 😉) Yes, I know it’s only September but
it won’t be long before the shops are bedecked with shiny plastic tat and
soon-to-be unwanted presents. When I flip to a new month on the calendar I
always have the same thought: “Where did
the time go?”
Time seems to move faster each year. Perhaps I’m just
getting old, but I always feel like I’m running to catch up. I never have
enough time to do all the things I want to do. Even when I actually manage to
be productive, I still feel like I’m spinning my wheels, going nowhere fast.
Team Spirit: The Power of Community
Do you feel lonely? If the internet is to be believed, we’re
currently suffering an epidemic of loneliness. Many are keen to blame social
networking, but it might not be that simple.
A recent survey by Relate in the UK found that a significant
minority of people had no close friends and rarely felt loved. This kind of
bean counting is always suspect as you can never know if people are telling the
truth. What one person defines as a friend, another may see as an acquaintance,
so some of us may be more lonely than we’re willing to admit.
Transcending Conflict: A New Kind of Power
The world is power mad. The game to get and keep power drives
history, ruins lives and despoils the land. It’s easy to feel powerless when we
look at world events and wonder: what can one person do to change things?
We need a new way of looking at power and a new way to feel
powerful. If we can do that, we may find more ways to change the world than we
think possible.
Self and World: Who are you?
“It is a remarkable fact that a life lived entirely from the ego is
dull not only for the person himself but for all concerned.” – Carl Jung
When the scale of the environmental crisis we’re facing seems
overwhelming, it can be helpful to remember we don’t always see things the way
they actually are.
We see things as we are.
This has a profound effect on what we believe we can accomplish. If
you believe you’re a tiny little person, isolated and alone, battling
insurmountable odds, it’s enough to make you want to give up in despair. But
this view of the self isn’t based in reality.
What ails thee? Transforming Pain
We’ve all done it: you feel terrible, like a zombie in training, and
you run into a friend who asks how you are. ‘Fine!’ you reply, grinning like
your brain has been removed and secretly wishing you really were a zombie because
then maybe people would leave you alone and stop asking how you are…
It works the other way too. When you ask someone how they are, do
you really want to know? Do you want
them to regale you with the intimate details of their malfunctioning bowels, lavishly
illustrated with a PowerPoint presentation?
I didn’t think so.
Pain makes us uncomfortable, and not just physically. When
confronted by a reality we don’t like, we tend to turn away and pretend
everything is fine. Even in a life-threatening situation, people will look the other way if they see others doing the same.
Living in Gratitude
If the news and
miscellaneous madness of the world is getting you down, there’s one guaranteed
way to cheer yourself up: Gratitude.
In fact, gratitude could be seen as a kind of elixir of life. Do you want to be
healthier? Practice gratitude. Want to reduce stress, boost your memory and
improve your relationships? Practice gratitude.
Responding to Crisis: the Spiral of Transformation
Watching the news these
days can be a shattering experience. Daily we are shaken by the images of
broken bodies and desperation playing out in Gaza, Iraq, and around the world.
It can leave us feeling helpless. What can we do? Is making a donation really
We are privileged to
live in relative safety and peace. I can walk down the street without worrying
(too much) about being attacked. My flat will not be bombed. I will not starve.
I will not have to watch my family being massacred. If I don’t like what I see
on the news I can switch the TV off and do something else. But the images stay
with me. I am haunted by death. I must find a response. I must do something. But what?
Spiritual Revolution: The Story of Our Time
Following my short review of Active Hope by Joanna Macy, I
wanted to take a closer look at The Great Turning and the important changes we
are living through now. Civilisation as we know it is on the brink of collapse
and the choices we make today will have profound repercussions into the future.
How to Survive a Spiritual Emergency
Think you have to be
religious to experience a spiritual awakening? Think again. Many people, like
me, start out entirely secular. I didn’t believe in anything, was a proud and
apparently rational atheist until the rug was pulled from under my feet. All it
can take is a little boredom, a little dissatisfaction with the paucity of the
material rewards offered by consumerism, a little frustration with daily life,
for the searching to start…
Tarot and the Hero’s Journey: Intro
The Hero’s Journey is one of our oldest myths. It shows how
we grow from ignorance to enlightenment through various stages of development,
both individually and collectively. It was called a monomyth by Joseph Campbell
in his book The Hero with a Thousand
Faces, and is often used to structure stories in film and novels. I’ve
already explored the Hero’s Journey through the films Thor and Jane Eyre, but
here I want to dig a little deeper into the symbolism and how it shapes our consciousness.
Zen Ox Herding Pictures: Introduction
The ox herding pictures represent the process of awakening
as described in Zen Buddhism. Each image is a metaphor that reveals the
internal stages of meditation – how awakening looks from the inside. In this
series we’ll look at each picture and explore what they mean, but first a bit
of background.
The foundational teachings of Buddhism and the Eightfold Path
If you want to understand the ideas that underpin any belief
system, it’s best to start at the beginning. With Buddhism, that means going
back to the Four Noble Truths which was the Buddha’s very first teaching. The
Four Noble Truths of the Middle Way include the teachings on the Eightfold
Path, which is a way to free yourself from suffering so you can live a full and
happy life.
The Sun of Wisdom: Teachings of the Noble Nagarjuna
The Sun of Wisdom is a commentary on one of the classics of
Buddhist literature by one of the great Tibetan masters, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso.
Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way
was written by Nagarjuna in the 2nd century and is a commentary on
the Buddha’s teachings on the nature of appearance and emptiness.
The Buddha prophesied
that someone would come 400 years after his death to give a perfect explanation
of his teachings, and Nagarjuna fulfilled the prophecy. Khenpo Rinpoche uses
Nagarjuna’s text and modern master Ju Mipham’s commentary as a framework to
explain and illustrate the most important verses. He deconstructs the ideas and
shows how they apply to your everyday experience, and how you can put them into
Monkey Magic! or How Buddhism came to China
To celebrate Chinese New Year and the Year of the Monkey, I
thought it would be fun to explore the background to one of my favourite TV
shows: Monkey. It’s a cult classic and was on TV during my formative years in
the 70s. We would rush home from ballet class (don’t ask) because I couldn’t
bear to miss it – this was before we got a video recorder and long before
digital catch-up. I remember re-enacting scenes from the show in the playground
at school, throwing myself off a bench and screaming, “Monkey!”
I grew up wanting to be Monkey, but didn’t realise how much
impact that crazy show would have on my life. The Buddhist teachings got under
my skin while I was busy enjoying the fights, the bad make-up and wobbly sets.
It was only later that I discovered the story was based on the real-life
adventures of Xuanzang, the monk who brought Buddhism to China during the Tang
The Only Girl: the search for female sound engineers
Trina Shoemaker at the mixing desk |
I was always odd, the resident freak or weirdo in any situation. And then I became a sound engineer. As a woman, that makes me exceptional. There aren’t many of us, so when I heard about Laura Marling’s latest project, Reversal of the Muse, I gave a cheer. It’s about time there were more ladies rocking a mixing desk.
Reversal of the Muse came about when the award winning
singer-songwriter realised that in 10 years of making records she had only come
across two female engineers working in studios. So she decided to dig deeper
and explore female creativity in the music industry. Why are there so few
female sound engineers and would the presence of more women in the studio make
a difference to the end product – especially for female performers?
Gobekli Tepe: the temple rewriting history
Colouring Books: Art Therapy or Mindless Money-spinner?
There’s a new mindfulness craze sweeping the nation: colouring books
for adults. It’s supposed to help you relax and be more mindful, but does it
Alan Moore on the magic of fiction and the imagination
“I traffic in fiction. I do not traffic in lies.”
Alan Moore reminds me of an Old English Sheepdog with a wry
twinkle in his eye. You just know he’s got a juicy bone hidden somewhere. He’s
best known for his comics, like Watchmen
and V for Vendetta, and for the fact
that he hates the movie versions with a passion. Hollywood, he says, “spoon-feeds us, which has the effect of
watering down our collective cultural imagination.” Moore is an artist
driven by the art rather than the market. A writer, storyteller, magician,
rebel, iconoclast, and psychonaut, who like William Blake, believes the reality
of imagination is paramount. Moore’s new novel, Jerusalem, is out later this year.
Fantasy Fiction: a genre distinction too far
I wrote a Fantasy novel by accident. That’s not an easy
accident to have; not like tripping over your own feet or walking into a glass
door. It’s not that I was trying to write something else and it turned into
Fantasy. I wasn’t aiming for any genre in particular – I just wrote the story.
It was only when I had to pitch the book to agents and publishers that the
penny dropped. I worked down the list of literary genres looking for the best
fit and ended up at Science Fiction and
Visionary Fiction: stories for growing minds
Visionary Fiction became a recognised fiction genre around
the turn of the millennium, but stories using visionary elements have always
existed. In fact, Visionary Fiction (VF) might be the oldest genre of storytelling.
The Heroine’s Journey with Jane Eyre
The Hero’s Journey with Thor
Getting the most out of Morning Pages
I’ve struggled with Morning Pages for years. I would do them for a bit and then quit. Start again. Quit again. Repeat. Then last week I finally worked out why: I understand the problem with Morning Pages and I know how to fix it.
Being Creative in a Mad World: Stopping
So we come to the end
and it’s time to stop.
To be creative means to recognise when you’re not being
creative, and be able to do something to rectify that situation. To change and
move forward you must stop whatever it is you’re doing (or not doing) that
doesn’t serve either you or your creativity.
Stopping links all the
other active qualities of the creative person, making it possible to leave
behind unproductive behaviour and negative thoughts, opening the way to freedom
through active creativity.
Being Creative in a Mad World: Learning
To be creative means to be open to life and curious about what’s going on and why. If you want to create something meaningful you must educate yourself: demand to know everything there is to know, whether about the world around you or the world inside you.
Being Creative in a Mad World: Looking
Being Creative in a Mad World: Rebelling
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